Sports Jobs — 11/20/23

A list of jobs in the sports industry, curated by Olivia Witherite, who is focused on creating more lanes for diverse hires

What’s up, everyone? I’m hoping that this is a good week: I crossed off a big personal accomplishment yesterday, and we’re heading into the holiday season!

While the holidays used to be a huge source of joy and tradition for me, I know that they’ll be difficult for me this year. If you’re in the same boat, know that you’re not alone. With years of experience in the sports industry, I’ve started to see a ton of familiar faces, and so many peers have become friends.

So, if you’re feeling nervous, alone or any other negative emotions heading into the holiday week, you can take solace in the fact that we’re all in this together. Feel free to reply to this email and reach out to me if you need. ❤️ 

Enjoy the week of food and football. 🫶🏼🏈

Sports Jobs by @OLIVIAwitherite — 11/20/23

Marketing/Social/Creative Sports Jobs

Other Sports Jobs

Rep your favorite sports teams with BreakingT! I love their baseball collection, and they also have awesome women’s and college sports apparel. Use my affiliate link so I get credit!

Have a job posting or want to work together? Send me a note here or reply to this email.

As a reminder, for now, this email is free and curated by me on my own time. I’ll scratch your back if you scratch mine! I freelance, so if you have opportunities in social strategy, brand management and/or team leadership, you can reply to this email and send them my way.

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Disclaimer: The listings in this newsletter, unless explicitly stated, have not been personally vetted by Olivia Witherite.