Sports Jobs — 01/08/24

A list of jobs in the sports industry, curated by Olivia Witherite, who is focused on creating more lanes for diverse hires

Happy New Year, everyone! It’s a great time to set some new goals, reset expectations and apply for new jobs! I expect a lot of roles to open up now that 2024 is here.

I’ve started to notice that a lot of MLB internships and entry-level jobs are opening. I started my career in baseball, which was such a fun and challenging time in my life.

As a reminder, I write this newsletter in my free time, so please consider forwarding it to someone in your network to help it grow!

Let’s dive in. If you ever have suggestions for this newsletter or jobs you’d like to see listed, please reply to this email.

Sports Jobs by @OLIVIAwitherite — 01/08/24

Marketing/Social/Creative/Editorial Sports Jobs

Other Sports Jobs

If you’ll indulge me, I made a reflection video about my very challenging 2023. You can check it out here.

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Rep your favorite sports teams with BreakingT! I love their baseball collection, and they also have awesome women’s and college sports apparel. Use my affiliate link so I get credit!

Disclaimer: The listings in this newsletter, unless explicitly stated, have not been personally vetted by Olivia Witherite.